Congo political hip hop

Alesh: Reveil- The Awakening On November 28, 2011, Congolese voters go to the polls to vote for the country’s next president and legislative representatives…

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The Ambassador

It puts new meaning into the expression ‘Docu-drama’ and is probably going to cause hot debates but Max Brugge’s form of journalism certainly gets him places that would be closed via the usual routes. Donning the identity and credentials of a Liberian diplomat by purchasing a passport, Brugge goes into the murky world of diamond dealing in Central Africa posing as a Liberian Consul.

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Hamas and Fatah move towards political unity

The leaders of Fatah and Hamas, the main Palestinian political organisations, have signed a deal in Egypt’s capital Cairo aimed at ending their bitter four-year feud. They will now form an interim government and agree a date for a general election. In a further move that is seen as a shift in Egyptian attitudes towards Israel, Egypt has agreed to open the Rafah border crossing.

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